
Building The Next Generation (BTNG) is a nonprofit organization that focuses on the construction labor shortage in the United States.

BTNG’s mission is to shed light on the subject matter, create awareness and bring about positive change in the industry by bringing prospect employees together with employers and addressing the labor shortage one city at a time.

To put into perspective, below are some words that society and the labor work force describe the construction industry; lets work together and change that!

People think of construction as dirty jobs . . ..jobs that only require brute strength. People view it as jobs that don’t require real training or skills, and quite frankly they view it as a job instead of a career.



Over the last twenty years the average age of a construction worker has increased from 37.6 years to 42.6 years.

AXA Insurance


Nationally, the construction industry employed 7.46 million people in 2018, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, continuing several years of increases. But it’s still recovering from the last recession. In 2006, the number of workers was 3 percent higher, 7.69 million.

NY Times


BTNG was founded by Kristine Mendez, a Mexican-American who is a surety broker and construction industry veteran.

Click here to get in contact with BTNG.