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BTNG and Virtual Construction Job Fairs

BTNG and Virtual Construction Job Fairs
Anna Shvets

It’s been six months since the scheduled Los Angeles construction job fair was supposed to occur, which was right around the time that COVID-19 hit, creating a “new” normal, for the indefinite future. One of the aspects of this “new” normal is the pace at which everything is moving; extremely slowly.

With the focus being on containment all else; i.e., businesses are an afterthought, some would argue that with the government subsidizing unemployment/stimulus checks is helping. It maybe helping, some but it sure isn’t helping with the construction business. In a recent article by AGC of America the labor shortage has been exacerbated by the pandemic and the statistics don’t lie.

The article mentions that people who are getting stimulus checks might be earning equal if not more than they would be if working; with the health benefit of not being exposed to others; a lot have opted to take this route.

Its evident that the construction industry is in need of a job fair. Although, as much as it may be needed, we are at the county’s mercy and BTNG is continually checking to see when we can get this back on the calendar. To the obvious, it will hopefully happen sometime in 2021. In the interim, the county is offering virtual events. These would be per firm, not a group event.

Virtual Construction Job Fairs

If your firm is interested in conducting a virtual construction job fair, BTNG can help; please reach out to Kristine via email kristine@buildingnextgen.com or give her office a call at 310-489-1974 to learn more details. BTNG is working continually to get updates and get the in-person job fair back on the calendar. Stay positive!


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