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Future Construction Jobs

Future Construction Jobs
Building The Next Generation (BTNG)

Future Construction Jobs

It’s been about a month since the BTNG movement was launched. As previously mentioned, the labor shortage was a fluid topic in all industry articles. The latest and most relevant excerpt on the job market for future construction jobs is an update by an article titled, Construction Job Gains Rose in June, Jobless Rate Picture Mixed ,featured in ENR, on July 5, 2019, by Tom Ichniowski; indicates the following, “Construction earnings were up 3.2% in June, year over year, to an hourly average of $30.73.

Further,” Anirban Basu, Associated Builders and Contractors chief economist, said in a statement that the construction industry’s health is still strong. He added, “Finding and retaining skilled workers remains a primary issue, implying that compensation growth will continue to increase.”

The feedback received has been very positive, with a few that had some skepticism. As to those that are on the fence to participate, here’s the thing there is no downside to doing.

Where firms post available positions on their perspective sites, it takes the public to be aware of the general need within in the industry to then seek out these firms. These efforts alone are not sufficient, or the labor statistics would be otherwise for future construction jobs.

This effort is meant to supplement individual firm’s efforts. Part of the problem is HR departments do not have the additional staff to do marketing whilst keeping the company compliant.

An industry problem is the perception of construction jobs and that they are not deemed “sexy” nor are they on the forefront of technology; may not be the new flashy, shiny thing that grabs immediate interest.

But what construction is, is it’s an honest, great career, that you can obtain without a degree. There is no need to lure those with their sights on college to defer to construction. As there are plenty of those that already are not choosing college.

A topic that has been on the rise is the diminishing middle class. Construction is part of the resolution for that issue. How many other jobs can you get without getting a degree that can help you obtain what most deem to be the “American Dream“?

What a lot of people don’t give a thought to, because it’s something that is just taken for granted, is the bridge you drive over will hold or the building you’re in has some sustainability to withstand a sizable earthquake.

When you stop and think about how these are built and sustain over time, it’s amazing!! If there was just a little information and a modicum of promotion done about the actual future construction jobs and of things we use and need, every day, this could drive interest in the industry!

Take away here is there is only an upside to attending. Worst case scenario is status quo. Further for those that feel it may not be the best use of their time, as there is no measurement of success.

The value add or measurement that is being put I place is obtaining sponsors. This will allow us to offer gift cards, in the approximate value of $250/per card, to anyone that gets a job from the effort helping with future construction jobs.

The new employee need only contact BTNG through the site, include their employers email address, for verification and the gift card will be sent. The estimated number of cards available will be between 40-50.

There is another perk that is in the works and if successful would allow for safety shoes to be offered as well only aiding to the future construction jobs.


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